Contents - No. 8, 2006
Page one The Christian Revolution by Benedict XVI LETTERS Perugia, Salerno, Chiavari... edited by Paola Bergamini Close-up Reason Is... The Sigh of the Meeting by Carlo Dignola > Reason Is Asking by Giancarlo Cesana The Experience of the Mystery in Russia by Giovanna Parravicini The Bow of the Question: Creation and Evolution by Marco Bersanelli Society Islam Beyond the Wall of Fundamentalism by Giorgio Paolucci Major Interviews / Edmund Pellegrino The Immortality Pill: a Disastrous Illusion edited by Marco Bardazzi Science / Debate No Dispensing Machine for Happiness by Paola Navotti CL From Utopia to Presence Presence, Judgment, and Authority by Roberto Fontolan The Religious Sense / in Arabic A Veil of Hope, Beyond Prejudice by Ambrogio Pisoni New World The Meeting Through American Eyes by Michelle Riconscente > Communion and Liberation > Culture > Film / An Existential Romance A Slow Awakening to Reality by John Touhey Culture Major Interviews / John Waters An Irishman’s Story The Surprise of an Encounter edited by Michelle Riconscente Modernity and Identity The Person who Belongs Has a Face by Riccardo Piol CHURCH The Middle East In the Land of Hope, Against all Hope by Riccardo Piol > History The State of Israel and the Arab World by Roberto Fontolan Big Photos ] Exhibit: “At the apex of reason. Giussani, Chapter Ten” Inside america The Impossibility of Revelation: The “Dogma” of Modernity by Lorenzo Albacete EDITORIAL “Liberating” Reason |