01-05-2007 - Traces, n. 5
After the March 24th Audience

Magdi Allam
Assistant Editor, Corriere della Sera

A Sign of Destiny

it was the first time I had come to St. Peter’s Square to see and applaud the Pope. And probably it is a sign of destiny that the Supreme Pontiff was Benedict XVI, who more than any other embodies that happy association between faith and reason with which I identify myself totally, to the point where I have been called a “Ratzingerian Muslim.” And in the same way it was certainly no accident that found me there, in the midst of my friends from Communion and Liberation, on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the foundation of the Fraternity of Fr. Giussani’s Movement, with which I share a spirituality founded on the experience of an encounter between people of good will and the supremacy of the foundational values of our humanity. I experienced it as an extraordinary manifestation of spiritual fellowship between the Guide and the congregation of the faithful, who feel they are participating in a human and religious mission in defense of life, of truth, and of freedom. And I was among them, with conviction, passion, and determination.