01-11-2009 - Traces, n. 10
BENEDICT XVI At the heart of the Liturgy of the Word this Sunday, the 32nd in Ordinary Time, we find the figure of the poor widow or, more precisely, we find her gesture when she dropped her last coins into the collection box of the Temple treasury. Thanks to Jesus’ attentive look, it has become the proverbial “widow’s mite” and indeed is synonymous with the generosity of those who give unsparingly the little they possess. However, I would like first of all to emphasize the importance of the atmosphere in which this Gospel episode takes place, that is, the Temple of Jerusalem, the religious center of the People of Israel and the heart of its whole life. The Temple was the place of public and solemn worship, but also of pilgrimage, of the traditional rites and of rabbinical disputations such as those recorded in the Gospel between Jesus and the rabbis of that time in which, however, Jesus teaches with unique authority as the Son of God. He judges the scribes severely, as we have heard, because of their hypocrisy: while they display great piety they are exploiting the poor, imposing obligations that they themselves do not observe. Indeed, Jesus shows His affection for the Temple as a house of prayer but for this very reason wishes to cleanse it from improper practices; actually, He wants to reveal its deepest meaning, which is linked to the fulfillment of His own Mystery, the Mystery of His Death and Resurrection, in which He Himself becomes the new and definitive Temple, the place where God and man, the Creator and His creature, meet. The Church, which is ceaselessly born from the Eucharist, from Jesus’ gift of self, is the continuation of this gift, this superabundance which is expressed in poverty, in the all that is offered in the fragment. It is Christ’s Body that is given entirely, a body broken and shared in constant adherence to the will of its Head. What can be added to such lofty and intense words? I would just like to underline this last vision of the Church “poor and free” which evokes the Gospel figure of the widow. If it is to succeed in speaking to contemporary humanity, the ecclesial community must be like this. Giovanni Battista Montini had particularly at heart the Church’s encounter and dialogue with the humanity of our time in all the seasons of his life, from the early years of his priesthood until the Pontificate. He dedicated all his energy to serving a Church which would conform as closely as possible to his Lord Jesus Christ so that, in encountering her, contemporary men and women might encounter Him, Christ, because their need for Him is absolute. This was the basic desire of the Second Vatican Council with which Paul VI’s reflection on the Church corresponds. He wanted to expound programmatically on some of her salient points in his first encyclical, Ecclesiam Suam of August 6, 1964, at a time when the Conciliar constitutions Lumen gentium and Gaudium et spes had not yet been written. With that first encyclical, the Pontiff sought to explain to all the Church’s importance for humanity’s salvation and, at the same time, the need to establish a relationship based on mutual knowledge and love between the ecclesial community and society (cf. Enchiridion Vaticanum, 2, p. 199, no. 164). “Conscience,” “renewal,” “dialogue”–these were the three words that Paul VI chose to express his principal “policies,” as he himself describes them at the beginning of his Petrine ministry, and all three concern the Church. First of all comes the need for her to increase her self-awareness: of her origins, nature, mission, and final destiny; second comes her need to renew herself, to cleanse herself by looking at her model, Christ. Last, there is the problem of establishing relations with the modern world (cf. ibid., pp. 203–205, nos. 166–168). Dear friends, and I am addressing in a special way my Brothers in the Episcopate and in the Priesthood, how can we fail to see, concerning the Church, the need for her in the plan of salvation and her relationship with the world that is still absolutely central today? And, indeed, that the developments of secularization and globalization have made it even more essential, in the confrontation on the one hand with the disregard for God and on the other with the non-Christian religions? Pope Montini’s reflection on the Church is more timely than ever; and even more valuable is his exemplary love for her, inseparable from his love for Christ. “The mystery of the Church,” we read once again in the encyclical Ecclesiam suam, “is not to be confined to the realms of speculative theology. It must be lived, so that the faithful may have a kind of intuitive experience of it, even before they come to understand it clearly” (ibid., no. 37). This presupposes a robust inner life which, the Pope continues, is thus “the richest source of the Church’s spiritual strength. It is the means, peculiarly its own, whereby the Church receives the sunlight of Christ’s Spirit. It is the Church’s natural and necessary way of expressing her religious and social activity, her surest defense and the cause of her constant renewal of strength amid the difficulties of the secular world” (cf. ibid., no. 38). It is precisely the Christian who is open, the Church open to the world, that need a robust inner life. |