01-03-2014 - Traces, n. 3


Dear friends:
This magazine is published with only one purpose, which is to communicate the experience of the CL Movement: a life, judgments, a gaze toward the world that is generated by faith. We want to communicate it to as many people as possible, in the most immediate way.
For this reason, taking into account the possibilities that the new media offer to us, we have decided to invest in tools that are both free of charge and available to a wide audience.
Therefore, we will stop printing Traces and steer our resources toward creating an English-language Traces website–www.tracesonline.org–and a monthly PDF version of Traces.

The final print edition of Traces will be Volume 16, Number 4–the April 2014 issue. We believe that moving in this direction will both increase our outreach and allow us to focus our resources on developing quality content without the expense of printing and shipping, and we hope you appreciate the new more accessible online version and monthly supplement.
We are grateful for your past support and encourage you to continue to  participate by offering letters, article pitches, and photos as we transition, with your help, to new ways of communicating.
It is a new Traces, but it will always be Traces.
Kindest regards,
Davide Perillo