A Question of Power
Edited by Paola Bergamini
In the Heart of the Great Russia
By Giovanna Parravicini
A European Tour
The Rock and the City
By Anna Leonardi
Faithful to the End
By Paola Ronconi
Cl Life
Enchained Evil
By Giancarlo Cesana
Mercy in Acholi Quarter
By Rodolfo Casadei
Pius XII
The Righteous Pope
By David G. Dalin
The Fathers Face
By Cristina Terzaghi
Hemingway 1899-1961
A Mad Love for Life
By Giancarlo Giojelli
An Album, a tour
U2: Beyond Music
By Maurizio Caverzan
Word Among Us
Encounter is the Substance of the Event
Testimony by Father Giussani at the close of the celebration of the centenary of the death of St. Leonard Murialdo, founder of the Congregation of St. Joseph.
Padua, Italy, March 24, 2001