Contents february 2000

Editorial "What, then, will anyone gain by winning
the whole world and forfeiting his life?"

USA Life and Mysticism
By Lorenzo Albacete

What We Have Seen…
By Giancarlo Cesana

Letters Edited by Paola Bergamini

Cover Truth That Can Be Touched
Edited by Paola Ronconi

Christians and the Crescent
By Rodolfo Casadei

Books Along the Banks of the Danube
By Michele Faldi

Peru The Religious Sense in the Andes
By Andrea Aziani

Venezuela Under a Sea of Mud
By Riccardo Piol

Taipei From the Land to Taiwan
By Andrea and Cecilia Baldelli, Valentina Zampetti

Astrophysics Flashes of the Infinite
Edited by Marco Bersanelli

Jubilee Sons of Thunder

It Was Four O'Clock in the Afternoon
By Giuseppe Frangi

He Followed Without Hesitation
By Alessandro Zangrando

Word Among Us On the Way
Notes from a talk of Luigi Giussani with some university students
La Thuile, August 1992