A Reasonable and Possible Joy
by Ralph Del Colle, Ph. D. Associate Professor of Theology at Marquette University,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
“Without the re-creation brought about by that birth, creation would
not exist.” With this statement, Monsignor Giussani has reminded us again
of the entire creation’s stake in the Incarnation. The latter is not extrinsic
to our humanity, some add-on that nurtures our religiosity but diverts from our
real humanness. One need only recall St Paul’s confession of faith from
his hymn in the Epistle to the Colossians (1:15-20). Christ is the “Firstborn
of all creation” and the “Firstborn of the dead,” the One in
whom all things hold together and the One through whom all things are reconciled.
Creation beckons for its own truth and groans for its own redemption. The Incarnation
presupposes the Eternal Word’s ordering of creation and culminates in the
Paschal Mystery of this same Word made flesh. Christmas and Easter are appropriately
the two hinges of the Christian liturgical year. Monsignor Giussani’s Christmas
greeting already identifies the “victory” that one usually associates
with Easter with Christmas and the event of the Incarnation. This is not some
premature acclamation on his part, as if the sufferings of our Lord are incidental
to His incarnate mission. Rather, we are told that this “victory” and
the “assurance of joy” that comes with it is proper because “Christmas
reveals the incontrovertible dominion of Being” in which God has overcome
the distance between Himself and man. Indeed, the Christmas proclamation involves
nothing less. The assumption of our human nature by the eternal Son is the foundation
by which the Redemption is won. And so declares the Church on the octave of Christmas
in the antiphon of the morning canticle for the solemnity of Mary, Mother of
God: “Man’s nature is made new as God becomes man.”