
Books Published
and Editorial Projects

by G.P.

From the very beginning, the Library’s editorial activity has followed many directions. One important aspect has been to provide instruments for the re-birth of the Catholic Church, which has been practically isolated from the West since the 1930s. Thus, the Russian editions of Cardinal Biffi’s catechism, I Believe, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church (3rd edition) have been issued. In addition:

- P. Poupard – A. Sicari
For the same purpose, the publication of Amateca theological manuals has begun; to date the following authors have been issued:
- G. Beduelle – H. Bürkle – N. Fisher – L. Gerosa – M. Kunzler
B. Testa – C. Valverde – C. Schönborn – A. Scola
As an aid in reading Scripture:
- D. Barthélemy – E. Galbiati – S. Gondetskij
On the testimony of the Church in Russia, some pages from the history of the Catholic Church in the 20th century (The Blood of the Martyrs is the Seed of New Christians, Memoirs by Father Bukovinski, and Leonid Fëdoro- , by A. Judin).
In addition, three monographs by Balasho- , Firso- , and Beljakova have been published on various aspects of the Council of the Russian Orthodox Church (1917-1918), which was of very great spiritual and educational value, but which very soon became a dead letter, following the revolution. Today, for the Russian Orthodox Church, with whom we are carrying out this project, the recovery of this tradition is of vital importance.
A collection of books of Christian literature, particularly dear to our history by
- P. Claudel – T.S. Eliot – O. Milosz
Some classics of the philosophy and theology of the 20th century:
- G. Biffi – R. Guardini – H. De Lubac
On the saints (Franciscan sources):
- A. Gemelli – A. Sicari – M. Sticco – C. Lainati
On the Magisterium of John Paul II:
- Christifideles laici
- The Multiform Unity (Discourses on Europe)
The Wednesday Catechism: I Believe in the Father, I Believe in the Son, I Believe in the Holy Spirit, I Believe in the Church.
Of Fr Giussani’s texts, some had been already translated and published at the dawn of perestrojka(Morality: Memory and Desire, Traces of Christian Experience, The Religious Sense). Now, At the Origin of the Christian Claim and Why the Church? have been added to complete the PerCorso (itinerary) together with the new edition of The Religious Sense.
Additional publications: The Search for the Human Face; The Meaning of God and Modern Man; Religious Consciousness in Modern Man; The Educative Risk; The I, the Power and Works. An anthology of texts of the “Tischreden” is being prepared.
In addition, a useful instrument for those who meet us is the booklet, Communion and Liberation.
On the Church and its history:
- J. Hoffner – A. Hamman – J. Lortz – R. Scalfi – P. Poupard – A. Miguel
And finally:
- H. Caffarel – D. Datcher – G. Martinetti – L. Quintas
C. Schönborn – R. Spaemann – K.H. Peschke – Paul VI, Athenagoras
- The Book of Hours
- The Book of Songs
Periodically, in addition to the monthly Sled (Traces), the Russian version of The New Europe is being published.
Being prepared:
- The acts of the conference of laity held in Kie- in 2003:
Witnesses of Christ Today
- M. Camisasca, The Challenge of Fatherhood
- A. Scola, Man-Woman, the “Serious Case” of Love
- W. Knoch, God in Search of Man. Revelation,
Tradition and Scripture (Amateca collection)
Currently, the most demanding editorial project, in collaboration with the Synodal Theological Commission of the Patriarch of Moscow, is the publication of a collection we have entitled, “One Hundred Books of the Christian Theology of the 20th Century,” which seeks to present contributions that are the most relevant and charged with perspectives for the life of the Church, offered by Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant thought.